2.4.1 Source Files

The assembler accepts, as input, a source file that consists of either MIPS- or ARM-based instructions, assembler directives and comments. A sample source file is shown below.

Note: Microchip Technology strongly suggests an .S extension for assembly source files. This will enable you to easily use the C compiler driver without having to specify the option to tell the driver that the file should be treated as an assembly file. The capitalized 'S' also indicates that the source file should be preprocessed by the C preprocessor before being passed to the assembler. See the relevant MPLAB XC32 compiler user's guide for more details on the C compiler driver.

Sample Assembler Code

Updated example code:
#include <xc.h>
#define IOPORT_BIT_7 (1 << 7)
.global main    /* define all global symbols here */
/* define which section (for example "text")
* does this portion of code resides in. Typically,
* all your code will reside in .text section as
* shown below.
.set noreorder
/* This is important for an assembly programmer. This
* directive tells the assembler not to optimize
* the order of the instructions as well as not to insert
* 'nop' instructions after jumps and branches.
* main()
* This is where the PIC32 start-up code will jump to after initial
* set-up.
.ent main /* directive that marks symbol 'main' as function in the ELF
* output
/* Call function to clear bit relevant to pin 7 of port A.
* The 'jal' instruction places the return address in the $ra
* register.
ori      a0, $0, IOPORT_BIT_7
jal      mPORTAClearBits
/* endless loop */
j endless
.end main /* directive that marks end of 'main' function and its
* size in the ELF output
* mPORTAClearBits(int bits)
* This function clears the specified bits of IOPORT A.
* pre-condition: $ra contains return address
* Input: Bit mask in $a0
* Output: none
* Side effect: clears bits in IOPORT A
.ent mPORTAClearBits
/* function prologue - save registers used in this function
* on stack and adjust stack-pointer
addiu   sp, sp, -4
sw      s0, 0(sp)
la      s0, LATACLR
sw      a0, 0(s0)      /* clear specified bits */
/* function epilogue - restore registers used in this function
* from stack and adjust stack-pointer
lw      s0, 0(sp)
addiu   sp, sp, 4
/* return to caller */
jr      ra
.end mPORTAClearBits