14.5.3 Options

The xc32-size options are shown below.

Table 14-7. xc32-size Options
Option Function



Using one of these options, you can choose whether the output from gnu size resembles output from System V size (using -A or --format=sysv), or Berkeley size (using -B or --format=berkeley). The default is the one-line format similar to Berkeley's.
--help Show a summary of acceptable arguments and options.




Using one of these options, you can control whether the size of each section is given in decimal (-d or --radix=10); octal (-o or --radix=8); or hexadecimal (-x or --radix=16). In --radix=number, only the three values (8, 10, 16) are supported. The total size is always given in two radices; decimal and hexadecimal for -d or -x output, or octal and hexadecimal if you're using -o.


Show totals of all objects listed (Berkeley format listing mode only).


Display the version number of xc32-size.