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19.14.4 TMRxGATE Timer Gate Source
Selection Register Name: TMRxGATE Offset: 0x210,0x216,0x21C
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GSS[4:0] Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0
Bits 4:0 – GSS[4:0] Timer Gate Source Selection
Table 19-3. Timer Gate Sources GSS Gate Source Timer1 Timer3 Timer5 11111-11001
Reserved Reserved Reserved 10110
CLC4_out CLC4_out CLC4_out 10101
CLC3_out CLC3_out CLC3_out 10100
CLC2_out CLC2_out CLC2_out 10011
CLC1_out CLC1_out CLC1_out 10010
ZCD1_output ZCD1_output ZCD1_output 10001
C2OUT_sync C2OUT_sync C2OUT_sync 10000
C1OUT_sync C1OUT_sync C1OUT_sync 01111
NCO1_out NCO1_out NCO1_out 01110
PWM7_out PWM7_out PWM7_out 01101
PWM6_out PWM6_out PWM6_out 01100
CCP4_out CCP4_out CCP4_out 01011
CCP3_out CCP3_out CCP3_out 01010
CCP2_out CCP2_out CCP2_out 01001
CCP1_out CCP1_out CCP1_out 01000
SMT1_overflow SMT1_overflow SMT1_overflow 00111
TMR6_postscaled output TMR6_postscaled output TMR6_postscaled output 00110
Timer5 overflow
output Timer5 overflow
output Reserved 00101
output TMR4_postscaled
output TMR4_postscaled
output 00100
Timer3 overflow
output Reserved Timer3 overflow
output 00011
output TMR2_postscaled
output TMR2_postscaled
output 00010
Reserved Timer1 overflow
output Timer1 overflow
output 00001
Timer0 overflow
output Timer0 overflow
output Timer0 overflow
output 00000
Reset States: POR/BOR = 00000 All Other Resets = uuuuu
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