10.11 Memory Execution Violation

A Memory Execution Violation Reset occurs if executing an instruction being fetched from outside the valid execution area. The different valid execution areas are defined as follows:
  • Flash Memory: The “Device Sizes and Addresses” table shows the addresses available on the PIC16(L)F18424/44 devices based on user Flash size. Execution outside this region generates a memory execution violation.
  • Storage Area Flash (SAF): If Storage Area Flash (SAF) is enabled , the SAF area is not a valid execution area.

Prefetched instructions that are not executed do not cause memory execution violations. For example, a GOTO instruction in the last memory location will prefetch from an invalid location; this is not an error. If an instruction from an invalid location tries to execute, the memory violation is generated immediately, and any concurrent interrupt requests are ignored. When a memory execution violation is generated, the device is reset and flag MEMV is cleared in PCON1 to signal the cause. The flag needs to be set in code after a memory execution violation.