3.3 Evaluation Software Application
The evaluation software application is available for the ATSAMC21-XPRO boards. This software application uses the USB COM port with a menu (shown in the following figure) to control the application. This requires a typical PC terminal application, which can be connected to the USB COM port using the following settings:
- Baud rate: 115200, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control
- 0: Prover Mode PR
- 1: Verifier Mode VR
- 2: Prover Offset Mode PRo
- 3: Verifier Offset Mode VRo
- 4: Receiver Mode RX
- 5: Transmitter Mode TX
- 6: Receiver Offset Mode RXo
- 7: Transmitter Offset Mode TXo
- 8: Sniffer Mode
- U: Prover Secure Mode PRs
- V: Verifier Secure Mode VRs
- W: Prover Secure Offset Mode PRso
- Y: print debug data from register A20
- X: Verifier Secure Offset Mode VRso
- Q: TXo Power Test Mode (1 ms RMS mode)
- R: Device Reset
- Z: TX Power Test mode (1 ms RMS mode)
- A: Change RF channel between 6.52, 7.04 and 7.56 GHz
- B: Change TX level between 0 and 15
- C: Change crystal trimming
- D: Change data payload size for modes VR, PR, Pro and VRo
This application is typically used with the demo kit variant A on both nodes, with one node selected as a Prover and the other as a Verifier. This requires that this application be run on both nodes, each with a PC terminal application. The user manual is required for the settings and parameter selection.