3.3 Evaluation Software Application

The evaluation software application is available for the ATSAMC21-XPRO boards. This software application uses the USB COM port with a menu (shown in the following figure) to control the application. This requires a typical PC terminal application, which can be connected to the USB COM port using the following settings:

  • Baud rate: 115200, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control
Figure 3-3. Evaluation Menu – PC Terminal Application
The application performs an initial FLL RX trimming to select the trimming value for the FLL RX and TX, and displays the operating parameter for the device. By entering the numeric or alphabetic character, an operating mode or parameter setting can be selected:
  • 0: Prover Mode PR
  • 1: Verifier Mode VR
  • 2: Prover Offset Mode PRo
  • 3: Verifier Offset Mode VRo
  • 4: Receiver Mode RX
  • 5: Transmitter Mode TX
  • 6: Receiver Offset Mode RXo
  • 7: Transmitter Offset Mode TXo
  • 8: Sniffer Mode
  • U: Prover Secure Mode PRs
  • V: Verifier Secure Mode VRs
  • W: Prover Secure Offset Mode PRso
  • Y: print debug data from register A20
  • X: Verifier Secure Offset Mode VRso
  • Q: TXo Power Test Mode (1 ms RMS mode)
  • R: Device Reset
  • Z: TX Power Test mode (1 ms RMS mode)
  • A: Change RF channel between 6.52, 7.04 and 7.56 GHz
  • B: Change TX level between 0 and 15
  • C: Change crystal trimming
  • D: Change data payload size for modes VR, PR, Pro and VRo

This application is typically used with the demo kit variant A on both nodes, with one node selected as a Prover and the other as a Verifier. This requires that this application be run on both nodes, each with a PC terminal application. The user manual is required for the settings and parameter selection.