1.5 Running the Demonstration with Pre-Built Application Image

Follow the below steps to bring up the demonstration. For better understanding, observe the packets over the air using any of the 2.4GHz Wireless sniffer.

If success indication for any of the below step is not observed, repeat the same step until it is observed.

Note: Remove the USB cable from the SAM R21 Xplained Pro board before connecting 24V AC-DC universal adapter to the LED driver board. The ATSAMR21- LED Driver development kit should not be powered simultaneously by both 24V AC-DC universal adapter and USB cable.
  1. Program the kits by following the steps mentioned in Programming the Kits.
  2. Connect the output of 24V AC-DC universal adapter to the DC-DC jack header available in the LED driver board. Connect the 24V AC-DC universal adapter to AC outlet and turn it on.
  3. Mount two fully charged AAA batteries in the battery holder available in the AVR477 remote.
  4. The LED load can be reset to the factory new state by making an extended press of SW13 QTouch key. On initiation, LED1 will be turned OFF and the QTouch key needs to pressed till LED1 is turned ON. The AVR477 remote must be kept closer (~3cms) to the LED load during this procedure.
    Step result: LED load will turn OFF and ON to indicate that the LED load has been reset to the factory new state successfully.
  5. The AVR477 remote can be reset to factory new state by an extended press of SW10 QTouch key. On initiation, LED1 will be turned OFF and the QTouch key must be pressed till LED1 is turned ON.
    Step result: Both LED1 and LED2 will be toggled once to indicate that the AVR477 remote has been reset to the factory new state successfully.
  6. Press SW9 QTouch key on the AVR477 remote to initiate a touchlinking procedure by keeping it closer (~3cms) to the LED load board.
    Step result: LED2 will toggle once to indicate a valid touch. On successful touchlinking LED1 and LED2 will toggle alternatively and the LED load will blink identifying itself. If touchlinking is not successful, initiate another touchlinking by again pressing SW9, approximately 10 seconds after the first touchlinking attempt.
  7. Press SW14 QTouch key to turn the LED load OFF.
    Step result: LED2 will toggle once to indicate a valid touch. Now the LED load will be turned OFF.
  8. Press SW16 QTouch key to turn the LED load ON.
    Step result: LED2 will toggle once to indicate a valid touch. Now the LED load will be turned ON.
  9. Press SW11 QTouch key to set the LED load’s brightness to minimum level.
    Step result: LED2 will toggle once to indicate a valid touch. The LED load will move to the minimum brightness level.
  10. Press SW12 QTouch key to set the LED load’s brightness to medium level.
    Step result: LED2 will toggle once to indicate a valid touch. The LED load will move to the medium brightness level.
  11. Press SW15 QTouch key to set the LED load’s brightness to maximum level.
    Step result: LED2 will toggle once to indicate a valid touch. The LED load will move to the maximum brightness level.
  12. Press SW17 QTouch key to select the next bound device and from this instant, all the commands will be sent only to the selected light, for the next 20 seconds. After this duration, further commands from the remote are sent to all lights joined in the network. If more than one LED load is joined to the network, then LED loads will be selected in round robin manner.
    Step result: LED2 will toggle once to indicate a valid touch and the LED load will blink identifying itself.
  13. Press SW11 QTouch key to set the LED load’s brightness to minimum level. Press around the QTouch rotor(SW1-SW8) of the AVR477 remote in clockwise direction to increase the LED load's brightness level.
    Step result: LED2 will toggle continuously indicating valid touch, as the finger is moved through the QTouch rotor and the LED load’s brightness will increase.
  14. Press SW15 QTouch key to set the LED load’s brightness to maximum level. Press around the QTouch rotor(SW1-SW8) of the AVR477 remote in counterclockwise direction to decrease the LED load's brightness level.
    Step result: LED2 will toggle continuously indicating valid touch, as the finger is moved through the QTouch rotor and the LED load’s brightness will decrease.
  15. The LED load can be reset to the factory new state by making an extended press of SW13 QTouch key. On initiation, LED1 will be turned OFF and the QTouch key needs to pressed till LED1 is turned ON. The AVR477 remote must be kept closer (~3cms) to the LED load during this procedure.
    Step result: LED load will turn OFF and ON to indicate that the LED load has been reset to the factory new state successfully. From this instant, the LED load cannot be controlled with the AVR477 remote unless it is touchlinked again with the remote.
If the AVR477 remote must be touchlinked with two or more LED loads, follow the procedure mentioned in Touch Link / Forming a Network to touchlink AVR477 remote with the second LED load.