1.4 Using AVR477 – RF QTouch Remote Control Board

AVR477 board has 9 QTouch® keys and 1 QTouch rotor for user interface based on the QTouch technology patented by Atmel. It consists of an ATmega256RFR2 (changed from ATmega128RFA1 in actual AVR477 reference design for this application) and peripheral circuitry. This board is used to detect the key touch or wheel position and communicate the corresponding key/wheel data to the remote device using RF Proximity. Table 1-1 lists QTouch keys available with AVR477 and describes its functionality.

During a valid touch on any of the QTouch key (Except SW10), LED2 will be toggled once. During a valid touch of the QTouch key SW10, LED1 will be toggled once.

AVR477 remote would go to sleep state if the QTouch keys are inactive for more than 10 minutes. When it is in active state, both LED1 and LED2 will be in ON state. When it is in sleep state both LED1 and LED2 will be turned OFF. It can be woken up by moving your hand away from the Prox region (indicated in the Figure 1-8) and bringing your hand again close to the Prox region of the AVR477 remote. When it wakes up from sleep, it will take ~1 sec for BitCloud® SW stack to initialize and after initialization LED1 and LED2 will be turned ON.

Figure 1-8. QTouch Keys in AVR477 Remote
Table 1-1. QTouch Keys for Executing ZLL Controller Commands
QTouch KeyDescriptionUser LED IndicationLED Load Status
SW9(1)Initiate touchlinking procedureLED2 will toggle once to indicate a valid touch. On successful touchlinking LED1 and LED2 will toggle alternatively.LED load will blink identifying itself
SW16(2)Issues an On command to the LED loadLED2 will toggle onceLED load will be turned ON
SW14(2)Issues an Off command to the LED loadLED2 will toggle onceLED load will be turned OFF
SW17(2)Select the next bound device and requests it to identify itself. This allows sending unicast commands to a single device. Groupcast mode will be entered automatically after twenty seconds.LED2 will toggle onceLED load will blink identifying itself
SW11(2)(3)Set light level to minimum brightness LED2 will toggle onceLED load will move to the minimum brightness level
SW12(2)(3)Set light level to medium brightness LED2 will toggle onceLED load will move to the medium brightness level
SW15(2)(3)Set light level to maximum brightness LED2 will toggle onceLED load will move to the maximum brightness level
Rotor (SW1 – SW8)(2)(3)Increase/decrease light level by pre-defined steps. Clockwise rotation causes increase in light brightness and counterclockwise rotation causes a decrease in light brightness level.LED2 will toggle continuously indicating valid touch as the finger is moved through the QTouch rotorLED load’s brightness level will increase/decrease based on the direction of rotation
SW13- needs to be pressed for extended duration (1)Reset the LED load to Factory new stateOn initiation, LED1 will be turned OFF and the QTouch key needs to be pressed until LED1 is turned ON LED load will turn OFF and ON to indicate that the LED load has been reset to the factory new state successfully
SW10- needs to be pressed for extended durationReset AVR477 remote to factory new stateOn initiation, LED1 will be turned OFF and the QTouch key needs to be pressed until LED1 is turned ON. Both LED1 and LED2 will be toggled once to indicate that the AVR477 remote has been reset to the factory new state successfully.No change
  1. These commands are to be initiated by keeping the AVR477 remote closer(~3 cms) to the LED load.
  2. These QTouch keys will be active only when the remote has joined to any network.
  3. These commands are applicable only when the LED load is in ON state.