APS_BindReq_t Struct


typedef struct
  /**  Endian "[LE]" The source IEEE address for the binding entry. */
  ExtAddr_t  srcAddr;
  /** The source endpoint for the binding entry. Valid range: 0x01-0xFE. */
  Endpoint_t  srcEndpoint;
  /** Endian "[LE]" The identifier of the cluster on the source device
   * that is to be bound to the destination device. */
  ClusterId_t  clusterId;
  /** The addressing mode for the destination address. This parameter can take
   * a value from the following list:
    APS_GROUP_ADDRESS - 16-bit dst.group is used to identify the destination group
   APS_EXT_ADDRESS - the destination node is identified with extended address;
   *                        dst.unicast.extAddr holds the extended address, dst.unicast.endpoint holds the endpoint
  APS_AddrMode_t  dstAddrMode;
  /**  Endian "[LE]" The destination address for the binding entry. */
  APS_DstBindAddr_t  dst;
  /** The field to keep the result of the request*/
  APS_BindConf_t  confirm;
} APS_BindReq_t;


struct APS_BindReq_t apsmeBind.h "aps.h" The structure used to hold parameters for APS_BindReq() A pointer to an instance of this type should be passed to APS_BindReq() function. The structure conforms to the APSME-BIND.request primitive defined in ZigBee specification.