NodeDescriptor_t struct


typedef struct PACK
    /*! Device role:
    011-111 - reserved.*/
    uint8_t   logicalType : 3,
    /*! Specifies whether a complex descriptor is available on this device. */
    uint8_t   complexDescriptorAvailable: 1,
    /*! Specifies whether a user descriptor is available on this device. */
    uint8_t   userDescriptorAvailable: 1,
    /*! Reserved. */
    uint8_t   reserved: 3
    /*! APS capability flags. Not supported (always set to 0). */
    uint8_t   apsFlags : 3,
    /*! Bit mask for supported frequency bands.
    Bit 0: 868 - 868.6 MHz
    Bit 1: Reserved
    Bit 2: 902 - 928 MHz
    Bit 3: 2400 - 2483.5 MHz
    Bit 4: Reserved. */
    uint8_t   frequencyBand : 5
    /*! MAC capability flags.
	Bit 0: is the node capable of becoming an alternate PAN coordinator
	Bit 1: device type (full-function vs. reduced-function device)
	Bit 2: is the device mains-powered 
	Bit 3: is the receiver enabled when the device is idle 
	Bits 4-5: Reserved
	Bit 6: is MAC security enabled 
	Bit 7: Always equals 1. */
    MAC_CapabilityInf_t  macCapbFlags;
    /*! 16-bit manufacturer code allocated by the ZigBee Alliance. */
    uint16_t manufacturerCode;
    /*! Maximum size of the network sub-layer data unit (NSDU) for this node, in octets.
    Valid range is 0x00-0x7f. */
    uint8_t maxBufferSize;
    /*! Maximum size of the application sub-layer data unit (ASDU) that can be
    transferred to this node in one single message transfer, in octets.
    Valid range is 0x0000-0x7fff. May exceed the maxBufferSize value through the
    use of fragmentation. */
    uint16_t maxTransferSize;
    /*! Bit mask denoting the system server capabilities of this node.
	Used to facilitate discovery of particular system servers by other nodes.
	Bit 0: Primary Trust Center
	Bit 1: Backup Trust Center
	Bit 2: Primary Binding Table Cache
	Bit 3: Backup Binding Table Cache
	Bit 4: Primary Discovery Cache
	Bit 5: Backup Discovery Cache
	Bit 6: Network Manager
	Bits 7-15: Reserved. */
    uint16_t serverMask;
    /*! Maximum size of the application sub-layer data unit (ASDU) that can be
    transferred from this node in one single message transfer, in octets.
    Valid range is 0x0000-0x7fff. */
    uint16_t maxOutcTransferSize;
    /*! Descriptor capabilities bit mask.
    Bit 0: Extended Active Endpoint list available
	Bit 1: Extended Simple Descriptor list available
	Bits 2-7: Reserved. */

    uint8_t descriptorCapabilityField;
} NodeDescriptor_t;


Base types.

Node descriptor Mandatory for each node.