2.2 Preprogrammed Demo Software

BLE Sensor Touch Application demo experience

Your WBZ351 Curiosity Board comes pre-programmed with example software that demonstrates two common BLE use-cases in a single application: BLE Sensor monitoring and BLE Lighting control.

The pre-programmed software implements a fully functional BLE Temperature Sensor. The Curiosity on-board temperature sensor data is regularly read and made available via both advertising information (thus available without needing to connect) and also updated periodically after a BLE connection is initiated.

The pre-programmed software also implements brightness control of GREEN LED through BLE as well as through Touch slider/Button by connecting QT7 XPRO extension board. Once connected to mobile app through BLE, user can control the GREEN LED's brightness, and on/off state via BLE. Also, change the brightness using Touch slider. Additionally, the on/off state is made available via advertising information so that a user can know the status without connecting.