DSP_FilterIIRBQ32 Function

Performs a high resolution single-pass IIR Biquad Filter.


int32_t DSP_FilterIIRBQ32(int32_t Xin, PARM_EQUAL_FILTER_32 *pFilter);

Calculates a single pass IIR biquad filter on Xin, and delivers the result as a 16-bit output. All math is performed using 32 bit instructions, with results truncated to 32-bits for the output. The delay register is stored as a 32-bit value for subsequent functions.

All values are fractional Q31, see data structure for specifics.

Y = X(0)*b0 + (b1 * X(-1)) + (b2 * X(-2)) - (a1 * Y(-1)) - (a2 * Y(-2))


Delay register values should be initialized to zero.


Xin input data element X (int32_t)

pFilter pointer to high resolution filter coef and delay structure


Sample output Y (int32_t)


The delay register values should be initialized to zero prior to the first call to the function, they are updated each pass. A gain of 2 has been hard coded into the function. This implies that all coefs should be input at half value. This is purposeful, since many filter designs need a div2 to have each coef between the required -1




int32_t DataIn32, DataOut32;

ptrFiltEQ32 = &FilterEQ32;



_// 1000 Hz Q= 0.9 BP filter design, 44.1K sampling_


_// b0 = 0.07311778239751009 forward_

_// b1 = 0_

_// b2 = -0.07311778239751009_

_// a1 = -1.8349811166056893 back_

_// a2 = 0.8537644352049799_

_// note all coefs are half value of original design, gain handled in algorithm_

ptrFiltEQ32->b[0]=0x04ADF635; _// feed forward b0 coef_

ptrFiltEQ32->b[1]=0; _// feed forward b1 coef_

ptrFiltEQ32->b[2]=0xFB5209CB; _// feed forward b2 coef_

_// note all coefs are half value of original design, gain handled in algorithm_

_// note subtract is handled in algorithm, so coefs go in at actual value_

ptrFiltEQ32->a[0]=0x8A8FAB5D; _// feedback a1 coef_

ptrFiltEQ32->a[1]=0x36A41395; _// feedback a2 coef_

for (i=0;i<256;i++)


_// *** get input data here_

DataIn32 = three_hundred_hz[i];

DataOut32 = DSP_FilterIIRBQ32(DataIn32, ptrFiltEQ32);

_// *** do something with the DataOut32 here_



int32_t DSP_FilterIIRBQ32 (int32_t Xin , PARM_EQUAL_FILTER_32 * pFilter );