DSP_TransformFFT16 Function

Creates an Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) from a time domain input.


void DSP_TransformFFT16(int16c *dout, int16c *din, int16c *twiddles, int16c *scratch, int log2N);

Performs an complex FFT on the input, din, and stores the complex result in dout. Performs 2^log2N point calculation, and the working buffer scratch as well as the input and output must be 2^log2N in length. Coefficient twiddle factors come from twiddles, and may be loaded with the use of DSP_TransformFFT16_setup. All values are 16 bit (Q15) fractional.


din, dout, twiddles and scratch must have N elements N is calculated as 2^(log2N) log2N must be >= 3 FFT factors must be calculated in advance, use DSP_TransformFFT16_setup


dout pointer to complex output array (int16c)

din pointer to complex input array (int16c)

twiddles pointer to an complex array of factors (int16c)

scratch pointer to a complex scratch pad buffer (int16c)

log2N binary exponent of number of samples (int)




Scratch must be declared but need not be initialized. Din may be aided with a window function prior to calling the FFT, but is not required. Din is a complex number array, but may be loaded solely with real numbers if no phase information is available.


int log2N = 8; _// log2(256) = 8_

int fftSamples = 256;

int16c *fftDin;

int16c fftDout[fftSamples];

int16c scratch[fftSamples];

int16c fftCoefs[fftSamples];

int16c *fftc;

fftc = &fftCoefs;

DSP_TransformFFT16_setup(fftc, log2N); _// call setup function_

while (1)


fftDin = &fftin_8Khz_long_window16; _// get 256 point complex data_

DSP_TransformFFT16(fftDout, fftDin, fftc, scratch, log2N);

_// do something with the output, fftDout_



void  DSP_TransformFFT16 (int16c * dout , int16c * din , int16c * twiddles , int16c * scratch , int log2N );