30.5.7 MUXPOS

Offset: 0x06
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 

Bits 4:0 – MUXPOS[4:0] MUXPOS

This bit field selects which single-ended analog input is connected to the ADC. If these bits are changed during a conversion, the change will not take effect until this conversion is complete.

Value Name Description
0x00 AIN0 ADC input pin 0
0x01 AIN1 ADC input pin 1
0x02 AIN2 ADC input pin 2
0x03 AIN3 ADC input pin 3
0x04 AIN4 ADC input pin 4
0x05 AIN5 ADC input pin 5
0x06 AIN6 ADC input pin 6
0x07 AIN7 ADC input pin 7
0x08 AIN8 ADC input pin 8
0x09 AIN9 ADC input pin 9
0x0A AIN10 ADC input pin 10
0x0B AIN11 ADC input pin 11
0x1B PTC

ADC0: Reserved

0x1C DAC0 DAC0
0x1D INTREF Internal reference (from VREF peripheral)

ADC0: Temperature sensor

0x1F GND 0V (GND)
Other - Reserved