3.1.2 IQ Amplitude and Phase Imbalance Calibration

Before running the TX test, read the IQ Amplitude and Phase imbalance calibration value from the eFuse memory, then set it using the following commands:

Set Amplitude Imbalance Calibration Value

Command – MCHPRT 17 IQ AMP
  • IQ – Real (0) or Imaginary (1)
  • AMP – Amplitude imbalance correction value. The range is -6 dB to 6 dB.

Set Phase Imbalance Calibration Value

Command – MCHPRT 18 IQ PHA
  • IQ – Real (0) or Imaginary (1)
  • PHA – Phase imbalance correction value. The range is -10 degrees to +10 degrees.
  • After running the MCHPRT 17 IQ AMP and the MCHPRT 18 IQ PHA commands, run the MCHPRT 11 1 command so the MCHPRT2 tool uses this value.
  • By default, IQ calibration values are programmed into the eFuse bank in the factory. So, the user is not required to run the IQ calibration.