2.6 Firmware Upgrade

Perform the following steps to upgrade the firmware using the MCHPRT2 Tool. It is the same firmware upgrade example that is available in Microchip Studio. See Appendix C – Firmware Update for details.

Important: Before the FW upgrade, update the firmware files in following folder:
  • ..\MCHPRT\upgrade_1500\firmware\firmware (for ATWINC1500)
  • ..\MCHPRT\upgrade_3400\firmware\firmware (for ATWINC3400)
  1. Select the chip from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the upgrade items from the list.
  3. Click to start the firmware upgrade.
    Figure 2-27. FW Upgrade
  4. After the upgrade is successful, the log displays as PASS (see the following figure).
    Figure 2-28. Successful Upgrade
Note: ASF has the latest firmware. For information on how to add the upgrade file into the MCHPRT2 tool folder, see the Firmware upgrade folder in MCHPRT2 package.