6.1.2 Firmware Upgrade Folder in MCHPRT2 Package

The folder that is present in MCHPRT2 package can be updated from the firmware update project that is available in Microchip Studio ASF.

Folder information:
  • upgrade_1000 WILC1000 – Gain table upgrade file example
  • upgrade_1500 WINC1500 – Firmware example project for ASF
  • upgrade_3000 WILC3000 – Gain table upgrade file example
  • upgrade_3400 WINC3400 – Firmware example project for ASF
upgrade_1000 includes: upgrade_1000 folder includes burst_tx_firmware_1000.bin, gain_builder.exe and WILC1000PB.csv files as shown in the following figure.
Figure 6-4. Files in upgrade_1000 Folder

upgrade_1500 includes(same as ASF version 3.40.0): The following figure shows the files that are present in the upgrade_1500. The files are same as the firmware update example project that is available in the ASF.

Figure 6-5. Files in upgrade_1500 Folder

upgrade_3000 includes: upgrade_3000 folder includes wilc3000_wifi_firmware.bin, gain_builder.exe and wilc3000_gain_setting_hp.csv files as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6-6. Files in upgrade_3000 Folder

upgrade_3400 included (same as in ASF version 3.40.0): The following figure shows the files that are present in the upgrade_3400. The files are same as the firmware update example project that is available in the ASF.
Figure 6-7. Files in upgrade_3400 Folder