1 MPLAB® Harmony 3 SPI UHF Transceiver Package

This repository contains the MPLAB® Harmony 3 SPI UHF transceiver module. This module contains SPI command sets for UHF transceivers implemented on Microchip's 32-bit SAM C21 microcontrollers. Users can use these command sets for developing their own applications on Microchip's 32-bit SAM C21 series of microcontrollers using MPLAB Harmony 3.

Supported microcontroller

  • SAM C21
Table 1-1. Available UHF transceiver packages
UHF transceiver packageDescription
ATA8510Package supports SPI command set for ATA8510 and all it`s derivatives listed below:

ATA5831, ATA5832, ATA5833

ATA5781, ATA5782, ATA5783, ATA5785

ATA8210, ATA8215

ATA8510, ATA8515
