13.4 Peripheral Dependencies

Peripheral NameBase AddressNVIC IRQ Index: SourceMCLK AXI/APB Clocks Index: MCLK.CLKMSK0[20]PAC Peripheral Peripheral Identifier (PAC.WRCTRL)Power Domain
MCRAMC - Multi-Channel RAM Controller0x4482 2000 (APB B)37 : INTMCLK.CLKMSK0[20]17VDDREG
  1. Register Field: MCLK.CLKMSK{index/32}.MASK[index mod 32].

Power Management

The memory controller does not provide any power management features. If the memory controller clock is running during sleep then the memory controller is active.


The MCRAMC operates synchronous to the system and uses the BMX clock (CLK_BMX). The MCRAMC does not generate clock requests.

Debug Operation

The debugger is allowed read and write access to the MCRAMC control registers regardless of the PAC write-access settings.

Register Access Protection

All registers with write-access can be write-protected optionally by the PAC. Optional write-protection by the PAC is denoted by the “PAC Write-Protection” property in each individual register description. PAC write-protection does not apply to accesses through an external debugger.