7.2.1 Power Supplies

The PIC32CZ CA has the following power supply pins:

  • AVDD powers the Backup power domain as well as the ADCs, Analog Comparator (AC), and the Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC).
  • VDDREG powers the internal regulators for the VDDCORE_SW, VDDCORE_RAM, and VDDCORE_PLL power domains.
  • VDDIO powers I/O lines, an External Crystal Oscillator (XOSC), the 48 MHz Digital Frequency Locked Loop (DFLL48), and three charge pumps which support the Analog Comparator (AC) and the ADCs on the device (ADC0-3 and PTC ADC). Most VDDIO pins also power the device's Flash panel through double bonding.
  • VDDUSB3V_0 and VDDUSB3V_1 power the USB ports on the device.

For decoupling recommendations for the different power supplies, refer to the schematic checklist.