30.6 MediaLB Concept

The MediaLB topology supports communication among all MediaLB Devices, including the MediaLB Controller. The bus interface consists of a uni-directional line for clock (MLBC), a bi-directional line for signal information (MLBS), and a bi-directional line for data transfer (MLBD).

The MediaLB topology supports one Controller connected to one or more Devices, where the Controller is the interface between the MediaLB Devices and the MOST Network. The MediaLB Controller includes MediaLB Device functionality, and also generates the MediaLB clock (MLBC) that is synchronized to the MOST Network. This generated clock provides the timing for the entire MediaLB interface. The Controller will continue to generate MLBC even when the Controller loses lock with the MOST Network.

The MLBS line is a multiplexed signal which carries ChannelAddresses generated by the MediaLB Controller, as well as Command and RxStatus bytes from MediaLB Devices. Each ChannelAddress indicates which Device can transmit data and which Device (or Devices) can receive data on a particular logical channel.

The MLBD line is driven by the transmitting MediaLB Device and is received by all other MediaLB Devices, including the MediaLB Controller. The MLBD line carries the actual data (synchronous, asynchronous, control, or isochronous). For synchronous stream data transmission, multiple MediaLB Devices can receive the same data, in a broadcast fashion. The transmitting MediaLB Device indicates the particular type of data transmitted by sending the appropriate command on the MLBS line. The Link Layer section defines the different commands supported.