5.6.3 Move Logical Device

To a New Array

When the Array status is OK, moving a logical device with new set of SED drives is not allowed based on the following physical device SED security status and SED qualification status:

SED Security Status

SED Qualification Status


Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Failed Locking Enabled

Not Applicable

Failed Range Length Set

When the Array status is OK, adding the SED drives to the array is not allowed based on the physical device Original Factory State (OFS) and SED ownership status:

Original Factory State (OFS)SED Ownership Status
FalseOtherwise Owned
FalseMCHP Owned, Foreign
FalseOtherwise Owned, Foreign

To an Existing Array

Move logical device to an existing array operation on logical device will be blocked when the Array has the following status:

Array Status

One or more logical drives undergoing or failed SED qualification
Has Logical Drive with Foreign SED
Move logical device ribbon icon should be disabled on the following logical device status:

Logical Device Status

SED Qual Failed

SED Qual In Progress

SED Locked