2.4 Module to Module Connection

This section explains establishing a connection and data transfer between two RNBD451 modules. When the board is powered up, by default the RNBD451 module is in Data mode doing the Bluetooth Low Energy advertisement. To establish a module-to-module connection, one of the devices must be in the Central state initiating a scan request to capture the nearby Bluetooth Low Energy advertisement.
Figure 2-34. Module to Module Connection

The user can achieve the central configuration on the RNBD451 module by configuring the device into Command mode and issuing the F command. With this, the device shifts its Operating mode from peripheral to central device and starts scanning.

The test setup consists of two RNBD451 evaluation boards (both can either be connected to the same PC or a different PC via microUSB cable).

The command sequence is as follows:

  1. Power ON the RNBD451 module by connecting the RNBD451 evaluation board using a USB Type-C cable to the host PC.
  2. Using the terminal emulator, open the COM port associated with the RNBD451 module with the following settings.
    Figure 2-35. Module to Module Connection Setup
  3. By default, this device is in Peripheral mode doing advertisements at a regular interval.

  4. Power ON another RNBD451 evaluation board using a USB Type-C cable to the host PC. Open another instance of the terminal emulator on the host PC for the RNBD451 module that needs to be configured in Central mode for the associated COM port of the RNBD451 module with the following settings.
    Figure 2-36. Tera Term Serial Port Setup
  5. Type $$$ to enter Command mode.
  6. Type + to enable echo.
  7. Issue command F to initiate an active scan. The F command puts the RNBD451 module into Central mode and initiates scanning. The scanning operation captures all the available Bluetooth Low Energy packets in the nearby surrounding.
  8. Wait until the inquiry finishes and finds the MAC address/address type of the device to be connected.
  9. Issue the X command to terminate the scanning.
  10. Enter C,<0,1>,<MAC address> to attempt a connection with the remote device, where the first parameter indicates the address type that is available in the inquiry result:
    • 0’ – public address
    • 1’ – private address

After connection, both the RNBD451 modules are in the Data mode and data can be transferred between the devices. The remote peer device receives characters typed in the terminal emulator and vice versa.

To terminate the connection, type $$$ to return to Command mode, then type command K,1.
Figure 2-37. Terminating the Connection