30.3.4 Events

The ADC can generate the following events:

Table 30-8 30-9. ADC Event Generators
Generator NameDescriptionEvent TypeGenerating Clock DomainLength of Event
ADCnRESResult readyPulseCLK_PEROne CLK_PER period
SAMPSample ready
WCMPWindow compare match

The conditions for generating an event are identical to those that will raise the corresponding flag in the Interrupt Flags (ADCn.INTFLAGS) register.

The ADC has one event user for detecting and acting upon input events. The table below describes the event user and the associated functionality.

Table 30-8 30-9. ADC Event Users and Available Event Actions
User NameDescriptionInput DetectionAsync/Sync
ADCnSTARTADC start on eventEdgeAsync

The START event action can be triggered if the EVENT_TRIGGER setting is written to the START bit field in the Command (ADCn.COMMAND) register.