4.1 Low-Temperature Soldering

Low-temperature soldering is a subject of considerable interest for mechanical, financial and environmental aspects compared to more common soldering processes using SAC 305 and its variants.

This approach can be used for the assembly of the SOM on its main board during the first or the second reflow process.

The most technically significant advantage is reduced warping of component and substrates. By using this soldering process, lower-cost plastics can be integrated, component and laminate materials can be used, and energy consumption is reduced with associated financial and environmental benefits.

The SnBi eutectic solder with melting temperature of around 140°C is most commonly used for low-temperature lead-free solder reflow applications.

Some recommended solder pastes are listed below (no clean solder paste):
  • Indalloy® 281 from Indium Corp.
  • Interflux® DP 5600 from Interflux Electronics
  • L20-BLT5-T7F from Senju