TCPIP_UDP_ArrayGet Function


uint16_t TCPIP_UDP_ArrayGet(UDP_SOCKET hUDP, uint8_t * cData, uint16_t wDataLen); 


The number of bytes successfully read from the UDP buffer. If this value is less than wDataLen, then the buffer was emptied and no more data is available.


This function reads an array of bytes from the UDP socket, while adjusting the current read pointer and decrementing the remaining bytes available. TCPIP_UDP_GetIsReady should be used before calling this function to get the number of the available bytes in the socket.


For discarding a number of bytes in the RX buffer the TCPIP_UDP_RxOffsetSet() can also be used. The UDP socket queues incoming RX packets in an internal queue. This call will try to retrieve the bytes from the current processing packet but it won't advance the processed packet. TCPIP_UDP_GetIsReady should be called to advance the processed RX packet. TCPIP_UDP_Discard should be called when done processing the current RX packet.


UDP socket should have been opened with TCPIP_UDP_ServerOpen/TCPIP_UDP_ClientOpen. hUDP - valid socket


hUDPUDP socket handle
cDataThe buffer to receive the bytes being read. If NULL, the bytes are simply discarded
wDataLenNumber of bytes to be read from the socket.