Library Interface

TCPIP_FTP_PASSWD_LENSpecifies the max length of FTP login password
TCPIP_FTP_USER_NAME_LENSpecifies the max length for user name
TCPIP_FTP_DATA_SKT_RX_BUFF_SIZEDefine the size of the RX buffer for the FTP Data socket Use 0 for default TCP RX buffer size. The default recommended value for high throughput is > 2MSS (3 KB). The performance of a socket is highly dependent on the size of its buffers so it's a good idea to use as large as possible buffers for the sockets that need high throughput.
TCPIP_FTP_DATA_SKT_TX_BUFF_SIZEDefine the size of the TX buffer for the FTP Data socket Use 0 for default TCP TX buffer size. The default recommended value for high throughput is > 2MSS (3 KB). The performance of a socket is highly dependent on the size of its buffers so it's a good idea to use as large as possible buffers for the sockets that need high throughput.
TCPIP_FTP_MAX_CONNECTIONSMaximum number of FTP connections allowed
TCPIP_FTP_PUT_ENABLEDComment this line out to disable MPFS
TCPIP_FTP_TIMEOUTFTP timeout, seconds
General Functions
TCPIP_FTP_ServerTaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.
Data Types and Constants
TCPIP_FTP_MODULE_CONFIGFTP Sever module runtime and initialization configuration data.
TCPIP_FTPS_TASK_TICK_RATEThe FTP server task rate, milliseconds The default value is 33 milliseconds. The lower the rate (higher the frequency) the higher the FTP server priority and higher transfer rates could be obtained The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE.