typedef struct {
uint32_t dhcpTime;
uint32_t leaseStartTime;
uint32_t leaseDuration;
uint32_t renewTime;
uint32_t rebindTime;
IPV4_ADDR dhcpAddress;
IPV4_ADDR subnetMask;
IPV4_ADDR serverAddress;
const char* bootFileName;
uint8_t timeServersNo;
uint8_t ntpServersNo;
const IPV4_ADDR* timeServers;
const IPV4_ADDR* ntpServers;



This data structure is used for reporting current info and status of the DHCP module. Used in getting info about the DHCP module.


statusCurrent status.
dhcpTimecurrent DHCP time, seconds the following fields are significant only if a lease has been obtained and is currently valid i.e. status >= TCPIP_DHCP_BOUND.
leaseStartTimeTime when lease was requested.
leaseDurationLease duration as returned by the server, in seconds.
renewTimeThe time for moving to renew state, in seconds.
rebindTimeThe time for moving to rebind state, in seconds.
dhcpAddressIPv4 address obtained by DHCP.
subnetMaskIPv4 sub net mask obtained by DHCP.
serverAddressIPv4 address of the server that granted the lease.
bootFileNamePointer to the bootfile name that was returned by the serve.r This will be 0 if TCPIP_DHCP_STORE_BOOT_FILE_NAME option is not enabled.
timeServersNoNumber of time servers available. This will be 0 if TCPIP_DHCP_USE_OPTION_TIME_SERVER option is not enabled.
ntpServersNoNumber of NTP servers available. This will be 0 if TCPIP_DHCP_USE_OPTION_NTP_SERVER option is not enabled.
timeServersPointer to array of addresses for the time servers. Size is given by timeServersNo.
ntpServersPointer to array of addresses for the NTP servers. Size is given by ntpServersNo.