Library Interface

TCPIP_IPV4_FRAGMENT_MAX_NUMBERUpper limit for the number of fragments in a fragmented stream This also imposes a limit on how large a packet could be depending on the MTU and fragmentations that occur If more fragments received for a certain stream, the stream will be discarded
TCPIP_IPV4_FRAGMENT_MAX_STREAMSUpper limit for the number of fragmented streams that could be handled simultaneously
TCPIP_IPV4_FRAGMENT_TIMEOUTInitial fragment timeout, in seconds Timer Lower Bound (RFC 791) The RFC states this value to be 15 seconds
TCPIP_IPV4_FRAGMENTATIONIf 1, enable IPv4 fragmentation processing, RX + TX If 0 (default), IPv4 fragmentation not supported
TCPIP_IPV4_TASK_TICK_RATEThe IP task processing rate: number of milliseconds to generate an IP tick. This is the tick that advances the IP state machine. The default value is around 30 milliseconds. The lower the rate (higher the frequency) the higher the module priority and higher module performance can be obtained The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE. The IP state machine tick is used only when fragmentation is enabled.
TCPIP_IPV4_EXTERN_PACKET_PROCESSThis setting enables/disables the processing of the RX packets by an external handler The user of the IPv4 can register an external function to process the incoming packets If true, the functionality is built in and could be used by the application If false, the functionality does not exist and the generated code is slightly smaller
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketGetDestAddressReturns the IPv4 destination address associated with a TCPIP_MAC_PACKET
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketGetSourceAddressReturns the IPv4 source address associated with a TCPIP_MAC_PACKET
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketTransmitTransmits an IPV4 packet over the network.
TCPIP_IPV4_SelectSourceInterfaceSelects a source address and an interface based on the IPv4 destination address
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketFilterClearClears the IPV4 packet filters
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketFilterSetSets the IPV4 packet filters
TCPIP_IPV4_TaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.
TCPIP_IPV4_MacPacketTransmitTransmits a fully constructed MAC packet over the network.
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketAllocAllocates an IPv4 packet for transmission over the network.
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketFormatTxFormats an IPV4 packet and makes it ready for transmission.
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketOptionFieldSetHelper to set an IPv4 packet option field.
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketOptionGetHelper to get the options that a IPv4 receive packet has.
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketOptionListGetHelper to get the options that a IPv4 receive packet has.
TCPIP_IPV4_IsFragmentationEnabledHelper to get the IPv4 fragmentation support.
TCPIP_IPV4_MaxDatagramDataSizeGetHelper to get the maximum datagream data size (MDDS) on a specific interface.
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketHandlerDeregisterDeregisters a previously registered packet handler.
TCPIP_IPV4_PacketHandlerRegisterSets a new packet processing handler.
Data Types and Constants
IPV4_HEADER_TYPEList of supported protocols.
IPV4_PACKETIPv4 packet structure.
TCPIP_IPV4_FILTER_TYPEList of supported IPv4 packet filters.
TCPIP_IPV4_MODULE_CONFIGInitialization parameters supported by IPv4
IPV4_FRAGMENT_INFOStructure of an IPv4 fragment info.
IPV4_OPTION_FIELDStructure of an IPv4 option.
IPV4_TYPE_OF_SERVICEStructure of an IPv4 type of service field.
TCPIP_IPV4_OPTION_DCPTStructure describing the options for an IPv4 packet
TCPIP_IPV4_OPTION_TYPEList of supported IPv4 options
TCPIP_IPV4_PACKET_PARAMSIPv4 packet formatting parameters
TCPIP_IPV4_PACKET_HANDLERPointer to a function(handler) that will get called to process an incoming IPv4 packet.
TCPIP_IPV4_PROCESS_HANDLEDefines a IPv4 packet processing handle.