37.1 I2C Features

The I2C supports the following modes and features:

  • Modes
    • Host mode
    • Client mode
    • Multi-Host mode
  • Features
    • Supports Standard mode (100 kHz), Fast mode (400 kHz) and Fast mode Plus (1 MHz) modes of operation
    • Dedicated address, receive, and transmit buffers
    • Up to four unique client addresses
    • General Call addressing
    • 7-bit and 10-bit addressing with optional masking
    • Interrupts for:
      • Start condition
      • Restart condition
      • Stop condition
      • Address match
      • Data Write
      • Acknowledge Status
      • NACK detection
      • Data Byte Count
      • Bus Collision
      • Bus Time-out
    • Clock stretching for:
      • RX buffer full
      • TX buffer empty
      • Incoming address match
      • Data Write
      • Acknowledge Status
    • Bus Collision Detection with Arbitration
    • Bus Time-out Detection
      • Selectable clock sources
      • Clock prescaler
    • Selectable Serial Data (SDA) Hold Time
    • Dedicated I2C Pad (I/O) control
      • Standard GPIO or I2C-specific slew rate control
      • Selectable I2C pull-up levels
      • I2C-specific, SMBus 2.0/3.0, or standard GPIO input threshold level selections
    • Integrated Direct Memory Access (DMA) support
    • Remappable Pin Locations Using Peripheral Pin Select (PPS)