22.5.3 Event Control

Offset: 0x04
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bit 6 – FILTER Input Capture Noise Cancellation Filter

Writing this bit to '1' enables the input capture noise cancellation unit.

Bit 4 – EDGE Event Edge

This bit is used to select the event edge. The effect of this bit is dependent on the selected Count Mode (CNTMODE) in TCBn.CTRLB. "-" means that an event or edge has no effect in this mode.

Count ModeEDGEPositive EdgeNegative Edge
Periodic Interrupt mode0--
Timeout Check mode0Start counterStop counter
1Stop counterStart counter
Input Capture on Event mode0Input Capture, interrupt-
1-Input Capture, interrupt
Input Capture Frequency Measurement mode0Input Capture, clear and restart counter, interrupt-
1-Input Capture, clear and restart counter, interrupt
Input Capture Pulse-Width Measurement mode0Clear and restart counterInput Capture, interrupt
1Input Capture, interruptClear and restart counter
Input Capture Frequency and Pulse Width Measurement mode0

On 1st Positive: Clear and restart counter

On following Negative: Input Capture

2nd Positive: Stop counter, interrupt


On 1st Negative: Clear and restart counter

On following Positive: Input Capture

2nd Negative: Stop counter, interrupt

Single-Shot mode0Start counter-
1Start counterStart counter
8-Bit PWM mode0--

Bit 0 – CAPTEI Capture Event Input Enable

Writing this bit to '1' enables the input capture event.