37.5.4 I2CxSTAT0

I2C Status Register 0
  1. This bit holds the R/W bit information following the last received address match. Addresses transmitted by the host do not affect the host’s R bit, and addresses appearing on the bus without a match do not affect the R bit.
  2. I2CxCLK must have a valid clock source selected for this bit to function.
Name: I2CxSTAT0
Address: 0x0298

Bit 76543210 
Access RRRRR 
Reset 00000 

Bit 7 – BFRE  Bus Free Status(2)

1 Indicates an Idle bus; both SCL and SDA have been high for the time selected by the BFRET bits
0 Bus is not Idle

Bit 6 – SMA Client Mode Active Status

1 Client mode is active.

Set after the 8th falling SCL edge of a received matching 7-bit client address.

Set after the 8th falling SCL edge of a matching received 10-bit client low address.

Set after the 8th falling SCL edge of a received matching 10-bit client high w/read address, only after a previous received matching high and low w/write address.

0 Client mode is not active.

Cleared when any Restart/Stop condition is detected on the bus.

Cleared by the BTOIF and BCLIF conditions.

Bit 5 – MMA Host Mode Active Status

1 Host mode is active.

Set when Host state machine asserts a Start condition.

0 Host mode is not active.
Cleared when BCLIF is set.

Cleared when Stop condition is issued.

Cleared for the BTOIF condition after the host successfully shifts out a Stop condition.

Bit 4 – R  Read Information(1)

1 Indicates that the last matching received address was a Read request
0 Indicates that the last matching received address was a Write request

Bit 3 – D Data

1 Indicates that the last byte received or transmitted was data
0 Indicates that the last byte received or transmitted was an address
This bit holds the R/W bit information following the last received address match. Addresses transmitted by the host do not affect the host’s R bit, and addresses appearing on the bus without a match do not affect the R bit. I2CxCLKI2CxCLK must have a valid clock source selected for this bit to function.