3.2.1 Processor Power Supplies

The power management unit IC (MCP16502) provides all power supplies required by the SAMA7G5 MPU:

  • 1.1V for the core power rail (VDDCORE)
  • 1.275V for the CPU power rail (VDDCPU)
  • 1.35V for the memory power rail (VDDIODDR)
  • 3.3V for I/Os, oscillators and digital power rails (VDDIN33, VDDUTMII, VDDIOP0, VDDIOP1, VDDQSPI1, VDDSDMMC2, etc.)

Decoupling capacitors are placed close to the MPU power pins to stabilize the voltage rails.

Figure 3-9. SAMA7G5 Power Decoupling