3.6.2 UC3C-Specific Information

AT32UC3C0512C pinout for the Expansion Interfaces

Table 3-18. UC3C Pinout for the J25 and J44 Headers
QFP144 pinGPIOGPIO Alternate functionsFeature
17PB14USART1.RTS Provides access to the USART1.RTS signal. Available on J25.1 if J44 is configured with a jumper connecting J44.3 to J44.5
18PB15USART1.CTSProvides access to the USART1.CTS signal. Available on J25.2 if J44 is configured with a jumper connecting J44.4 to J44.6
19PB25SPI1.NPCS[0]WLESS SPI Chip select. Available on J25.5
64PB20SPI0.MISOWLESS.MISO signal. Available on J25.7
74PC03TWIMS0.TWCKProvides access to the TWI0 TWCK signal. Available on J25.2 if J44 is configured with a jumper connecting J44.2 to J44.4
58PB19SPI1.MOSIWLESS.MOSI signal. Available on J25.6
73PC02TWIMS0.TWD Provides access to the TWIMS0 TWD signal. Available on J25.1 if J44 is configured with a jumper connecting J44.1 to J44.3
60PB21SPI1.SCKWLESS SPI clock. Available on J25.8
19PB16USART1.TXProvides access to the USART1.TX signal. Available on J25.4
20PB17USART1.RXProvides access to the USART1.RX signal. Available on J25.3
N.A.N.A.N.A. GND. Available on J25.9
N.A.N.A.N.A. VCC3. Available on J25.10
Table 3-19. UC3C Pinout for the J19 Header
QFP144 pinGPIOGPIO Alternate functionsFeature
GND on J19.10
VCC3 on J19.2
VCC5 on J19.8
VCC12 on J19.1
Table 3-20. UC3C Pinout for the J20 Header
QFP144 pinGPIOGPIO Alternate functionsFeature
111 PD4 Software-dependantJ20.3
112 PD5 Software-dependantJ20.4
113 PD6 Software-dependantJ20.5
124 PD15Software-dependantJ20.6
125 PD16Software-dependantJ20.7
126 PD7 Software-dependantJ20.9
GND on J20.10
VCC3 on J20.2
VCC5 on J20.8
VCC12 on J20.1
Table 3-21. UC3C Pinout for the Power Drives Control Signal - J33
QFP144 pinGPIOGPIO Alternate functionsFeature
12PB9 PWM-PWMH[0]Provides access to the PWM UH signal available on J33.1
11PB8 PWM-PWML[0]Provides access to the PWM UL signal available on J33.2
14PB11PWM-PWMH[1]Provides access to the PWM VH signal available on J33.3
13PB10PWM-PWML[1]Provides access to the PWM VL signal available on J33.4
16PB13PWM-PWMH[2]Provides access to the PWM WH signal available on J33.5
15PB12PWM-PWML[2]Provides access to the PWM WL signal available on J33.6
18PB15PWM-PWMH[3]Provides access to the PWM XH signal available on J33.5. See configuration section to activate this feature
17PB14PWM-PWML[3]Provides access to the PWM XL signal available on J33.6. See configuration section to activate this feature
Table 3-22. UC3C Pinout for the Current and Back EMF Measurement - J38
QFP144 pinGPIOGPIO Alternate functionsFeature
23PA6 ADCIFA-ADCIN2 or ACIFA-AC1AP1 ADC Input 0 positive channel or Analog Comparator 0 Input positive. See section AVRMC300 Configuration to select one of the two features
23PA7 ADCIFA-ADCIN3 or ACIFA-AC1AN1 ADC Input 1 positive channel or Analog Comparator 0 Input negative. See section AVRMC300 Configuration to select one of the two features
39PA20ADCIFA-ADCIN9 or ACIFA-AC0AP0ADC Input 0 negative channel or Analog Comparator 1 Input positive. See section AVRMC300 Configuration to select one of the two features
41PA22ACIFA-AC0AN0Analog Comparator 1 Input negative
42PA23ACIFA-AC0BP0Analog Comparator 2 Input positive
40PA21ADCIFA-ADCIN0 or ACIFA-AC0BN0 ADC Input 1 negative channel or Analog Comparator 2 Input negative. See section AVRMC300 Configuration to select one of the two features
Table 3-23. UC3C Pinout for the Hall Effect Sensors - J41
QFP144 pinGPIOGPIO Alternate functionsFeature
Table 3-24. UC3C Pinout for the Hall Effect Sensors - J41
QFP144 pinGPIOGPIO Alternate functionsFeature
66PB27QDEC - QEPAQuadrature Decoder Line A
67PB28QDEC - QEPBQuadrature Decoder Line B
68PB29QDEC - QEPIQuadrature Decoder Line I
GND on J43.5
VCC3 on J43.1