3.1.4 Power Consumption Measurement

To measure the power consumption of the overall board not including the AT32UC3C0512C, remove the 0Ω R24, 25, 26, 27 resistors and insert the amp meter in the 2-pins header J6 (not mounted by default).

To measure the power consumption on the AT32UC3C0512C VDDIO, remove the 0Ω R26 resistor and insert the amp meter in the 2-pins header J5 (not mounted by default).

To measure the power consumption on the AT32UC3C0512C VDDIN, remove the 0Ω R25 resistor and insert the amp meter in the 2-pins header J4 (not mounted by default).

To measure the power consumption on the AT32UC3C0512C VDDANA, remove the 0Ω R24 resistor and insert the amp meter in the 2-pins header J3 (not mounted by default).

Figure 3-4. AT32UC3C-EK Power Consumption Measurement Headers Location