25.5.3 Transmit Data Register Low Byte

The Transmit Data Buffer (TXB) register will be the destination for data written to the USARTn.TXDATAL register location.

For 5-, 6-, or 7-bit characters the upper unused bits will be ignored by the transmitter and set to '0' by the receiver.

The transmit buffer can only be written when the DREIF flag in the USARTn.STATUS register is set. Data written to DATA when the DREIF flag is not set will be ignored by the USART transmitter. When data is written to the transmit buffer, and the transmitter is enabled, the transmitter will load the data into the Transmit Shift register when the Shift register is empty. The data is then transmitted on the TxD pin.

Offset: 0x02
Reset: 0x00
Property: R/W

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – DATA[7:0] Transmit Data Register