34.3.5 Interbyte Delay

When loading data with the UPDI, or reading out the System Information Block, the output data will normally come out with two IDLE bits between each transmitted byte for a multibyte transfer. Depending on the application on the receiver side, data might be coming out too fast when there are no extra IDLE bits between each byte. By enabling the IBDLY feature in UPDI.CTRLB, two extra Stop bits will be inserted between each byte to relax the sampling time for the debugger. Interbyte delay works in the same way as a guard time, by inserting extra IDLE bits, but only a fixed number of IDLE bits and only for multibyte transfers. The first transmitted byte after a direction change will be subject to the regular Guard Time before it is transmitted, and the interbyte delay is not added to this time.
Figure 34-18. Interbyte Delay Example with LD and RPT

In Figure 34-18, GT denotes the Guard Time insertion, SB is for Stop Bit and IB is the inserted interbyte delay. The rest of the frames are data and instructions.