8.3.2 limits.h

The limits.h header file defines the ranges of values which can be represented by the integer types.

Macro Name Value Description
CHAR_BIT 8 The size, in bits, of the smallest non-bit field object.
SCHAR_MIN -128 The minimum value possible for an object of type signed char.
SCHAR_MAX 127 The maximum value possible for an object of type signed char.
UCHAR_MAX 255 The maximum value possible for an object of type unsigned char.
CHAR_MIN -128 (or 0, see 8.3.1 Signed and Unsigned Character Types) The minimum value possible for an object of type char.
CHAR_MAX 127 (or 255, see 8.3.1 Signed and Unsigned Character Types) The maximum value possible for an object of type char.
MB_LEN_MAX 16 The maximum length of multibyte character in any locale.
SHRT_MIN -32768 The minimum value possible for an object of type short int.
SHRT_MAX 32767 The maximum value possible for an object of type short int.
USHRT_MAX 65535 The maximum value possible for an object of type unsigned short int.
INT_MIN -231 The minimum value possible for an object of type int.
INT_MAX 231-1 The maximum value possible for an object of type int.
UINT_MAX 232-1 The maximum value possible for an object of type unsigned int.
LONG_MIN -231 The minimum value possible for an object of type long.
LONG_MAX 231-1 The maximum value possible for an object of type long.
ULONG_MAX 232-1 The maximum value possible for an object of type unsigned long.
LLONG_MIN -263 The minimum value possible for an object of type long long.
LLONG_MAX 263-1 The maximum value possible for an object of type long long.
ULLONG_MAX 264-1 The maximum value possible for an object of type unsigned long long.