Point Addition and Subtraction


This service is used to perform a point addition and point subtraction, based on a given elliptic curve over GF(p). Please note that:

  • This service is not intended to add the same point twice. In this particular case, use the doubling service (see Fast Point Doubling).

How to Use the Service


The operation performed is:

PtC = PtA ± PtB

In this computation, the following parameters need to be provided:

  • A the input point is filled in projective coordinates (X,Y,Z) (pointed by {nu1PointABase,3*u2ModLength + 12}). This point can be the Infinite Point.
  • B the input point is filled in projective coordinates (X,Y,Z) (pointed by {nu1PointBBase,3*u2ModLength + 12}). This point can be the Infinite Point.
  • Cns the Fast Modular Constant filled (pointed by {nu1CnsBase,u2ModLength +8})
  • P the modulus filled (pointed by {nu1ModBase,u2ModLength +4})
  • The workspace not initialized (pointed by {nu1WorkSpace, 5*u2ModLength +32}
  • The operator filled with the operation to perform (Addition or Subtraction)

The resulting C point is represented in projective coordinates (X,Y,Z) and is stored at the very same place than the input point A. This Point can be the Infinite Point.

The service name for this operation is ZpEccAddSubFast. This service uses Fast mode and Fast Modular Reduction for computations.

Note: Before using this service, ensure that the constant Cns has been calculated with the setup of the modular reduction functions.

Parameters Definition

Table 37-70. ZpEccAddSubFast Service Parameters
Parameter Type Direction Location Data Length Before Executing the Service After Executing the Service
nu1ModBase nu1 I Crypto RAM u2ModLength + 4 Base of Modulus P Base of Modulus P
nu1CnsBase nu1 I Crypto RAM u2ModLength + 8 Base of Cns Base of Cns
u2ModLength u2 I Length of modulo Length of modulo
nu1PointABase nu1 I/O Crypto RAM 3*u2ModLength + 12 Input point A (projective coordinates) Resulting point C (projective coordinates)
nu1PointBBase nu1 I Crypto RAM 3*u2ModLength + 12 Input point B (projective coordinates) Input point B
u2Operator u2 I - - Addition or Subtraction Addition or Subtraction
nu1Workspace nu1 I Crypto RAM 5*u2ModLength + 32 Corrupted workspace

Code Example


PUKCL (u2Option) = 0;

PUKCL _ZpEccAddSub(nu1ModBase) = <Base of the ram location of P>; 
PUKCL _ZpEccAddSub(nu1CnsBase) = <Base of the ram location of Cns>; 
PUKCL _ZpEccAddSub(u2ModLength) = <Byte length of P>;
PUKCL _ZpEccAddSub(nu1PointABase) = <Base of the ram location of the A point>; 
PUKCL _ZpEccAddSub(nu1PointBBase) = <Base of the ram location of the B point>; 
PUKCL _ZpEccAddSub(nu1Workspace) = <Base of the ram location of the workspace>; 
PUKCL _ZpEccAddSub(u2Operator) = <Operation to perform (PUKCL_ZPECCADD or PUKCL_ZPECCSUB)>;

// vPUKCL_Process() is a macro command, which populates the service name
// and then calls the library...
if (PUKCL (u2Status) == PUKCL_OK)
else // Manage the error


No overlapping between either input and output are allowed. The following conditions must be avoided to ensure that the service works correctly:

  • nu1ModBase, nu1CnsBase, nu1PointABase, nu1PointBBase, nu1Workspace are not aligned on 32-bit boundaries
  • {nu1ModBase, u2ModLength + 4}, {nu1CnsBase, u2ModLength + 8}, {nu1PointABase, 3*u2ModLength + 12}, {nu1PointBBase, 3*u2ModLength + 12}, {nu1Workspace, <WorkspaceLength>} are not in Crypto RAM
  • u2ModLength is either: < 12, > 0xffc or not a 32-bit length
  • All overlapping between {nu1ModBase, u2ModLength + 4}, {nu1CnsBase, u2ModLength +8},{nu1PointABase, 3*u2ModLength + 12}, {nu1PointBBase, 3*u2ModLength + 12} and {nu1Workspace, 5*u2ModLength + 32}

Status Returned Values

Table 37-71. ZpEccAddFast Service Return Codes
Returned Status Importance Meaning
PUKCL_OK The computation passed without problem.