Region Configuration Structure Member

Name: RCFG
Offset: 0x04
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000011 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 1111000 

Bits 14:12 – ALGO[2:0] User SHA Algorithm


SHA1 algorithm processed


SHA256 algorithm processed


Bit 10 – PROCDLY Processing Delay

For a given SHA algorithm, the runtime period has two possible lengths:
Table 25-2. SHA Processing Runtime Periods
AlgorithmSHORTEST [number of cycles]LONGEST [number of cycles]
0SHORTESTSHA processing runtime is the shortest one
1LONGESTSHA processing runtime is the longest one

Bit 9 – SUIEN Monitoring Status Updated Condition Interrupt Enable

0: The RSU flag is set when the corresponding descriptor is loaded from memory to ICM.

1: The RSU flag remains cleared even if the condition is met.

Bit 8 – ECIEN End Bit Condition Interrupt Enable

0: The REC flag is set when the descriptor having the EOM bit set is processed.

1: The REC flag remains cleared even if the setting condition is met.

Bit 7 – WCIEN Wrap Condition Interrupt Disable

0: The RWC flag is set when the WRAP

1: The RWC flag remains cleared even if the setting condition is met.

Bit 6 – BEIEN Bus Error Interrupt Disable

0: The flag is set when an error is reported on the system bus by the bus MATRIX.

1: The flag remains cleared even if the setting condition is met.

Bit 5 – DMIEN Digest Mismatch Interrupt Disable

0: The RBE flag is set when the hash value just calculated from the processed region dffers from expected hash value.

1: The RBE flag remains cleared even if the setting condition is met.

Bit 4 – RHIEN Region Hash Completed Interrupt Disable

0: The RHC flag is set when the field NEXT = 0 in a descriptor of the main or second list.

1: The RHC flag remains cleared even if the setting condition is met.

Bit 2 – EOM End of Monitoring

0: The current descriptor does not terminate the monitoring.

1: The current descriptor terminates the Main List. WRAP bit value has no effect.

Bit 1 – WRAP Wrap Command

0: The next region descriptor address loaded is the current region identifier descriptor address incremented by 0x10.

1: The next region descriptor address loaded is DSCR.

Bit 0 – CDWBN Compare Digest or Write Back Digest

0: The digest is written to the Hash area.

1: The digest value is compared to the digest stored in the Hash area.