24.13 Quad Word Programming

The process for Quad Word programming is identical to Word programming except that all four of the NVMDATAx registers are used. The value of the NVMDATA0 register is programmed at address NVMADDR, NVMDATA1 at NVMADDR + 0x4, NVMDATA2 at NVMADDR + 0x8, and NVMDATA3 at address NVMDATA + 0xC.

Quad Word programming is always performed on a Quad Word boundary; therefore, NVMADDR address bits 3 through 0 are ignored.

Quad Word programming will only succeed if the target address is in a page that is not write-protected. When a Quad Word is programmed, it must be erased before any Word in it can be programmed again, even if changing a bit from an erased ‘1’ state to a ‘0’ state.

Where a value of 0x11111111 is programmed into location 0x1008000, 0x22222222 into 0x1008004, 0x33333333 into 0x1008008, and 0x44444444 into location 0x100800C. Refer to the following code example for details.

Quad Word Programming Code Example:

// Set up Address and Data Registers
    NVMADDR  = 0x1008000;      // physical address
    NVMDATA0 = 0x11111111;     // value written to 0x1008000
    NVMDATA1 = 0x22222222;     // value written to 0x1008004
    NVMDATA2 = 0x33333333;     // value written to 0x1008008
    NVMDATA3 = 0x44444444;     // value written to 0x100800C

// set the operation, assumes WREN = 0
    NVMCONbits.NVMOP = 0x2;    // NVMOP for Quad Word programming

// Enable Flash for write operation and set the NVMOP 
    NVMCONbits.WREN = 1;

// Start programming
    NVMInitiateOperation();    // see Initiate NVM Operation (Unlock Sequence Example)

// Wait for WR bit to clear
    while(NVMCON & NVMCON_WR);

// Disable future Flash Write/Erase operations
    NVMCONbits.WREN = 0;

// Check Error Status
    if(NVMCON & 0x3000)    // mask for WRERR and LVDERR bits