User-Requested Individual Conversion Trigger (Software ADC Conversion) (Only for Class 2 and Class 3 Inputs)
The user can explicitly request a single conversion (by software) of any selected analog input at any time during program execution without changing the trigger source configuration of the ADC.
The steps to be followed for conversion are as follows:
- The analog input ID to be converted is specified by the ADC Input Select bits, ADINSEL[5:0] (ADCCON3[5:0]).
- The sampling of analog input is started by setting the SAMP bit (ADCCON3[9]).
- After the required sampling time (time delay), the SAMP bit is cleared.
- The conversion of sampled signal is started by setting the RQCNVRT bit (ADCCON3[8]).
- Once the conversion is complete, the ARDYx bit of the ADCDSTATx register is set. The data can be read from the ADCDATAx register.
The following figure illustrates the conversion process in graphical form.