45.7 China

The WBZ450PE/WBZ451PE/WBZ451HPE modules has/have received certification of conformity in accordance with the China MIIT Notice 2014-01 of State Radio Regulation Committee (SRRC) certification scheme. Integration of this module into a final product does not require additional radio certification, provided installation instructions are followed and no modifications of the module are allowed. Refer to SRRC certificate available in WBZ450PE/WBZ451PE/WBZ451HPE product page for expiry date.

The WBZ450UE/WBZ451UE/WBZ451HUE modules have received certification of conformity in accordance with the China MIIT Notice 2014-01 of State Radio Regulation Committee (SRRC) certification scheme under Limited Modular Approval (LMA). Integration of this module into a final product does require additional radio certification (radiated spurious emission test and EMC test), provided installation instructions are followed and no modifications of the module are allowed. Refer to SRRC certificate available in WBZ450UE/WBZ451UE/WBZ451HUE product page for expiry date.