6.2 Update Application in Atmel Studio
Todo: Update
driver_isr.c to replace the ISR(ADC0_RESRDY_vect) routine with the
ISR(ADC0_WCOMP_vect) routine.
Following the red markings in Figure 6-4:
- Replace the ISR(ADC0_RESRDY_vect) function by the ISR(ADC0_WCOMP_vect) function.
- Replace the interrupt flag source ADC_RESRDY_bm by ADC_WCMP_bm.
Program the device by clicking Debug → Start without Debugging on the top
menu window or by using the Ctrl+Alt+F5 shortcut.
Info: Start Without
Debugging will build the project and program the device as long as there are
no build errors.