6.1 ADC Reconfiguration in Atmel | START
- Reconfigure the ADC module with WCMP mode configuration in Atmel | START.
Reconfigure the project in Atmel | START:
- Select the project by right-clicking the ADC_Training project in the Solution Explorer window from the previous assignment.
- Reconfigure the project by clicking the Re-Configure Atmel Start Project option in the menu, the same way as described in the previous assignment.
- Reconfigure the ADC module by clicking
the ADC component in the Atmel | START window and then configuring
it as shown with red markings in Figure 6-1.
- Select Drivers:ADC:Window for window compare mode drivers in the driver column.
- Unselect the checkbox for the RESRDY: Result Ready Interrupt Enable field.
- Select the checkbox for the WCMP: Window Comparator Interrupt Enable field as it now replaces the just unselected RESRDY interrupt.
- Select Below Window from the WINCM: Window Comparator Mode drop-down menu.
- Enter 80 (0x50 hexadecimal value) in the WINHT: Window Comparator Low Threshold field.
- Regenerate the project by clicking the
GENERATE PROJECT button at the bottom of the window. Info: The project summary window should appear as shown in Figure 6-2.
- For driver_isr.c, click View
Diff to see the difference between the previous and the newly generated project as
shown in Figure 6-3. The ADC interrupt routine needs to be updated.
- Update the project by clicking the
OK button. Info: The main.c and driver_isr.c are not selected and need to be manually updated afterward.
Result: The
Atmel | START project has been regenerated in Atmel