24.5.6 Control A

Offset: 0x05
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 7 – RXCIE Receive Complete Interrupt Enable

The bit enables the Receive Complete Interrupt (interrupt vector RXC). The enabled interrupt will be triggered when RXCIF in the USART.STATUS register is set.

Bit 6 – TXCIE Transmit Complete Interrupt Enable

This bit enables the Transmit Complete Interrupt (interrupt vector TXC). The enabled interrupt will be triggered when the TXCIF in the USART.STATUS register is set.

Bit 5 – DREIE Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable

This bit enables the Data Register Empty Interrupt (interrupt vector DRE). The enabled interrupt will be triggered when the DREIF in the USART.STATUS register is set.

Bit 4 – RXSIE Receiver Start Frame Interrupt Enable

Writing a '1' to this bit enables the Start Frame Detector to generate an interrupt on interrupt vector RXC when a start of frame condition is detected.

Bit 3 – LBME Loop-back Mode Enable

Writing this bit to '1' enables an internal connection between TxD and RxD pin.

Bit 2 – ABEIE Auto-baud Error Interrupt Enable

Writing this bit to '1' enables the auto-baud error interrupt on interrupt vector RXC. The enabled interrupt will trigger for conditions where ISFIF flag is set.

Bits 1:0 – RS485[1:0] RS485 Mode

These bits enable the RS485 and select the operation mode.
0x0 OFF Disabled.
0x1 EXT Enables RS485 mode with control of an external line driver through a dedicated Transmit Enable (TE) pin.
0x2 INT Enables RS485 mode with control of the internal USART transmitter.
0x3 - Reserved.