Reset time

The reset time can be split in two.

The first part is when any of the Reset sources are active. This part depends on the input to the Reset sources. The external reset is active as long as the RESET pin is low, the power-on-reset (POR) and Brownout detector (BOD) is active as long as the supply voltage is below reset source threshold.

When all the Reset sources are released an Internal reset initialization of the device is done. The time it take to do the Internal reset initialization is typical 250 µs. This time will be increased with the Start Up time given by the Start Up time fuse setting (SYSCFG1.SUT). The Internal reset initialization time will also increase if the CRC source is setup to run (SYSCFG0.CRCSRC). The additional Internal reset time will increase by 500 µs for each KB of memory that is checked.