uint16_t BLE_GAP_SetPhy(uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t txPhys, uint8_t rxPhys, uint8_t phyOptions);


Sets the PHY preferences for the specified connection.


The BLE Stack might not be able to make the change immediately. An event will be generated if one or both PHYs change.


[in] connHandleConnection handle associated with this connection.
[in] txPhysTransmitter PHYs. A bit field that indicates the preferred transmitter PHYs. Refer to PHY options for transmission and reception for possible values..
[in] rxPhysReceiver PHYs. A bit field that indicates the preferred receiver PHYs. Refer to PHY options for transmission and reception for possible values..
[in] phyOptionsPHY options. Refer to Preferred PHY coding preference for possible values..

Return values

Return valueDescription
MBA_RES_SUCCESSSuccessfully sets the PHY preferences for the specified connection.
MBA_RES_OOMInternal memory allocation failure occurred.
MBA_RES_INVALID_PARAThe parameters provided are invalid.
MBA_RES_UNKNOWN_CONN_IDUnknown connection identifier.
MBA_RES_COMMAND_DISALLOWEDCommand disallowed due to a conflicting operation or state.