typedef struct
    uint16_t                    connHandle;
    uint32_t                    ntfyId;
    BLE_ANCS_NtfyEvtFlagMask_T  ntfyEvtFlagMask;
    BLE_ANCS_CategoryId_T       categoryId;
    uint8_t                     categoryCount;
} BLE_ANCS_EvtNtfyInd_T;

Field Documentation

connHandleConnection handle associated with this connection.
ntfyIdNotification UID. A 32-bit numerical value that is the unique identifier (UID) for the iOS notification.
ntfyEvtFlagMaskBitmask to signal whether a special condition applies to the notification. For example, "Silent" or "Important".
categoryIdClassification of the notification type. For example, email or location.
categoryCountCurrent number of active iOS notifications in the given category.