12.5.9 PLL Control A

Offset: 0x10
Reset: 0x00
Property: Configuration Change Protection

Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bit 7 – RUNSTDBY Run Standby

This bit controls whether the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) is always running.

  1. The requesting peripheral must take the PLL start-up time and PLL source start-up time into account.
  2. The oscillator signal will only be available if requested and will be available after two PLL cycles.

0 The PLL will only run if requested by a peripheral (1)
1 The PLL will always run in Active, Idle and Standby sleep modes (2)

Bits 6:5 – SOURCE[1:0] Select Source for PLL

This bit controls the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) clock source.

Value Name Description
0x0 OSCHF Internal high-frequency oscillator as PLL source
0x1 EXTCLK External clock as PLL source
0x2-0x3 Reserved

Bits 4:3 – SOURCEDIV[1:0] Select Source Division for PLL

This bit field divides the source frequency before being used as input to the PLL.

Value Name Description
0x0 NONE No division. Nominal source frequency 2.5 to 5.5 MHz
0x1 DIV2 Divide by 2. Nominal source frequency 5 to 11 MHz
0x2 DIV4 Divide by 4. Nominal source frequency 10 to 22 MHz
0x3 DIV6 Divide by 6. Nominal source frequency 15 to 33 MHz

Bits 1:0 – MULFAC[1:0] Multiplication Factor

This bit field controls the multiplication factor for the Phased-Locked Loop (PLL).
Value Name Description
0x0 DISABLE PLL is disabled
0x1 - Reserved
0x2 8X 8x multiplication factor
0x3 16X 16x multiplication factor