OTA service Host Script Help

The following python scripts are used in order to update the application binary image

  1. ota_host_mcu_header.py - This script will add the OTA Host MCU Header to the application binary and image.bin will be generated as intermediate output binary image. Path of the tool within the repository is tools/ota_host_mcu_header.py
  2. ota_rnbd_header.py - This script will add the OTA RNBD Header to the image.bin intermediate binary and it generates RNBD_image.bin application binary as final output binary image. Path of the tool within the repository is tools/ota_rnbd_header.py

The following steps to be performed to update the application binary image

Step 1 : Run ota_host_mcu_header.py script. Below is the syntax to show help menu for the script

python <harmony3_repo_path>/tools/ota_host_mcu_header.py --help

Below syntax and example

Dual Bank:

python <harmony3_repo_path>/tools/ota_host_mcu_header.py -p 0x82000 -j 0x2000 -f sam_e54_xpro.X.production.bin

External Memory:

python <harmony3_repo_path>/tools/ota_host_mcu_header.py -p 0x402000 -j 0x402000 -l 0x0 -f sam_e70_xult.X.production.bin


  • It should be used with -p (--programAddr) option to specify Flash Application Program Address
  • It should be used with -j (--jumpAddr) option to specify Flash Application Execution Address
  • It should be used with -f (--binary) option to specify binary input file
  • In case of external memory only, It should be used with -l (--loadAddr) option to specify External Memory Program Address

Step 2 : Run ota_rnbd_header.py script. Below is the syntax to show help menu for the script

python <harmony3_repo_path>/tools/ota_rnbd_header.py --help

Below syntax and example

Dual Bank/External Memory:

python <harmony3_repo_path>/tools/ota_rnbd_header.py -f image.bin


  • It should be used with -f (--binary) option to specify binary input file

It generates RNBD_image.bin final application binary image